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5 Steps to Plan an Event

What Are the 5 Steps to Plan an Event? Everything You Should Know

There are many things that can go wrong if you carelessly plan an event. Whether it's a wedding or tradeshow, the planning process can be overwhelming. It's often overlooked the amount of hard work, organization, and time that gets put into hosting an event. 

It's important to follow a set guideline, almost like a checklist, so you can ensure everything is going in the right direction. Event planning shouldn't be stressful. We put together the top 5 steps to successfully plan an event.

1. Set Goals and Research

Think about what kind of event you're throwing and the purpose of it. Are you planning a tradeshow where there may be new potential clients and closed deals? Or are you planning something less suit and tie, like a guest speaker event where the goal of it is to allow individuals to share ideas?

Establish the budget, date, and location as well. Whether you're organizing a wedding or a corporate conference party, take a step back and look at the bigger picture of the event.  It's imperative to be clear about the goals you're trying to achieve and not lose sight of it by writing them down. 

2. Plan It

After you're done researching and setting goals, it's time to start event planning. This is where you find a venue and work with the venue staff on the menu and catering. Also, start working on decor and how you want to impress your guests.

Other things that should be finalized at this stage are the number of attendees, the guest list, the event schedule, and what time you should start cleaning up. You should break this step down into manageable sections so that nothing gets overlooked. 

3. Build a Team

When you're hosting a large event, it's smart to build a team. This can be a step towards starting an event planning business as well. Now that your plan is in place, assign key roles to your team members like marketing, entertainment, food and drinks menu, and so on. 

These individuals or groups will be responsible for working on their designated section of the event. Be sure to not overlook smaller but as important roles like coat check, seating, and clean-up. Teamwork creates synergy, so don't make it a one-man job!

4. Promote and Follow up

Now that your plan and team are set, time to spread the word and follow up! Your marketing team is vital in this step. This is where email campaigns and invitations should be sent out, as well as, social media marketing which is vital in this digital age.

This is also the time to follow up with your venue, caterers, equipment operators, speakers, and entertainment. The week before an event is usually the most hectic, but following all these steps up until then will keep things organized and clear. 

5. Evaluate

It's finally the day! In the midst of enjoying your event, don't forget to evaluate and assess the goals that had been set.

Were business deals made? Was the crowd moved by the speaker and the message of the event? Or simply, did everyone have a good time?

Post-production evaluations are a great way to reflect on all your hard work. Evaluate things you liked and things you could have done differently so that you can improve on future events.

Plan an Event and Execute It

You now have all the necessary steps in order to plan an event and execute it. Let this day be a reflection of what you and your team are capable of, and impress your guests!

Remember, event planning is tedious but it doesn't mean you shouldn't have fun and be creative during the process. If you found this guide helpful, be sure to check out our special events and banquets in order to get started on that special occasion.


