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5 Steps to Plan an Event

What Are the 5 Steps to Plan an Event? Everything You Should Know

There are many things that can go wrong if you carelessly plan an event. Whether it's a wedding or tradeshow, the planning process can be overwhelming. It's often overlooked the amount of hard work, organization, and time that gets put into hosting an event. 

It's important to follow a set guideline, almost like a checklist, so you can ensure everything is going in the right direction. Event planning shouldn't be stressful. We put together the top 5 steps to successfully plan an event.

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Event Planning 101: Why a Golf Course is a Perfect Event Venue

Have you been looking for the perfect event venue, but nothing has quite stood out? 

Event planning can be stressful; it is the sixth most stressful job in the US. When looking for the perfect venue, the space must be large enough, the scenery spectacular, and the price must be right. 

Whether you are looking to plan an event, a tournament, or a wedding, there is one place we bet you have not thought of yet. We may be biased, but have you considered a golf course for your next event? 

In this event planning guide, we will show you how golf course events may be the solution to all of your problems. 

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